facebookHave you ever been hurt? Did you feel like that hurt broke you? Did you feel like you were going to lose it? Did you ever feel that you would heal from it? If that’s you, this will help you understand some things….
Psalms 34:18 – The LORD is near those that are broken. That should bring you some comfort in knowing that He is with you. When you have went through something that has broke your heart. Go to Him, throw yourself on Him, He will speak to your spirit, He will heal your heart. It doesn’t seem this way, but He wants to use you also. I know, because I love very hard, and I am always at risk of being broken hearted. Does that sound familiar? Get to the point where you know that God will still use when you are broken. Some of my greatest messages came out of my place of brokenness. So today ask God this…. Say Lord, why did this breaking take place? Is there something that you need me to learn through this? I promise you this, if you will open yourselves up, He will give you an answer.
Love Pastor Juanita